Our Parish

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

msc logo

Since its commissioning in 1972, St John the Apostle Parish has been under the pastoral care of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC). The MSC priests and assistant priests that have led the parish over this time have each nurtured the MSC charism within the community. It has always been a parish with family and 'love' at its core.

Parish Team

Parish Priest: Fr. Tru Nguyen msc

Assistant Priest: Fr Chung Tran msc

Pastoral Associate/Parish Manager: Marian England

Parish Secretary: Sharon Greeves

Finance Officer: Kirsty Vera

Location and Contact

The Parish and Office are located at

25 Blackham Street, HOLT, 2615

Phone: 02 6254 3236

Fax: 02 6254 4819

Email: kippax@cg.org.au

Website: www.stjohnkippax.org.au

Office Hours: 9.00am - 3.00pm, Monday to Friday

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 5.00pm 

Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am, 6.00pm


Saturdays 4.00 - 4.30pm

Or by appointment with the priest.

Weekday Masses

Monday and Friday 9.30am

Liturgy of the Word with Communion

Tuesday 9.30am