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Dear St John the Apostle families,
What an amazing week have had!
We were overjoyed to be able to host our Kindergarten 2021 Information evening and first Orientation Day. Months ago we were planning a very different kind of experience and this week we were able to be face to face with parents, albeit physically distanced, and children.
They were amazing! The children settled in so quickly to their first Orientation session and were so involved and engaged. Next year's Kindergarten teachers will be Mrs Sarah Collins and Ms Mel Watson (formerly Ms Mel Taylor). Mrs Collins and Ms Watson created a very welcoming and fun first day. Thank you to all of the staff who supported the children for their visit and made it run smoothly.
NAIDOC Celebrations
Today our students all participated in NAIDOC Week activities. NAIDOC Week is actually next week so this was an excellent opportunity for our students to go into next week with greater awareness of some knowledge of Aboriginal culture and history.
In groups, the students worked with their teachers as well as Uncle Fred and Ms Katrina Cambridge (Catholic Education Aboriginal School and Community Officer), to explore artefacts, create artworks, listen to stories and hear traditional Aboriginal music. Aboriginal and Torres Trait Islander history and culture is a very important part of our Australian identity. Our students need as many opportunities as possible to grow in this understanding. Thank you to Ms Ellen Fletcher for organising the day's activities.
Staffing 2021
Mrs Jody De Andrade will be taking up a teaching position in Wollongong from 2021. Mrs D works in both Year 4 classes and 3 Maroon. She is an enthusiastic teacher who always designs creative learning opportunities for her students. Our students will miss her.
Mrs Georgina Jaram will teach at St Joseph's, O'Connor next year. Mrs Jaram has been the other half of the Library team for the last three years and taught every student across the school! She has enthusiastically supported many students to find books that they love to read. Mrs Jaram has also provided students with many experiences of high quality literature as well as been a warm, friendly and welcoming presence in the Library. We wish her the very best in the future. We are currently looking for a suitable Teacher-Librarian to continue providing fabulous opportunities for our students.
Class placements for 2021
At this time of the year I welcome parent communication regarding any specific needs that they would like considered in placing their own child in a class group next year. Parents wishing to communicate this are asked to email me directly (not the classroom teacher) with the considerations they would like kept in mind as part of the class creation process. These will be treated confidentially and viewed only by me. Specific teacher requests will not be considered. The cut off for communicating these considerations will be Friday 13 November.
Thank you for continually working together to help your child learn and grow.
Matthew Garton
Catholic Life and Reflection
What we have been learning about.
Staff prayer has been another glorious exploration this week. The focus has been “Awaken”, taking inspiration from the sunrise. What does it mean to be awake? How are we called to be awoken to our faith?
Last Friday we celebrated the final group of students who made their Confirmation. Father Kimi in his Homily reminded them of the deep love God has for each of us. He even went as far to say that if they forget this simple but profound truth then to come to Mass to hear it. If they don’t hear this message when they attend the liturgy then to approach him personally and he will remind them.
I hope that anyone will take up the invitation if they need it.
Please keep them all in your prayers.
Catholic Life and Reflection
God wants us to be fully alive, full of light, full of wisdom, and fully awakened to God's presence.
We were created to shine and reflect God’s light. We are not a reflection of this world, but rather a representation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus glowed and emanated peace and love. I imagine everyone saw it.
You and I are designed by God to know God and to rejoice in God's magnificence. Bible verses speak of mountains singing, the rivers clapping their hands and singing in praise to God? If the mountains can sing and rivers can clap their hands in praise to God, why not all of me and all of you?
God bless,
Stephanie Stewart
Religious Education Coordinator
Notices from the Parish
Happy birthday to Maxwell S, Leonardo B, Penelope A, David O, Naveliangel S, Izabel S, Charlie W, Zara M, Archie B and Aisling S who all celebrated a birthday over the last week.
Please note that we ask students to not bring home made cupcakes to share with the class for their birthdays. This is a precautionary measure for health and hygiene. The Canteen offers a number of options to share with the class. Purchases can be made through the QKR app.
Celebration of Positive Behaviour
Congratulations to the following students who received an award for the fortnightly Positive Behaviour Focus. To watch the online video presentation login to your child's Google Classrooms on Monday 3 August.
Class | ||
KB | Sophie P | William L |
KM | Shanaya S | Jackson M |
1B | Abigail B | Campbell G |
1M | Noah D | Olivia C |
2B | Liliana G | Oluwatoni O |
2M | Ky M | Ethan C |
3B | Elsie I Nikhil S |
Michael P |
3M | Raphael | Lovette E |
4B |
Klaudia S |
Renecia O |
4M | James H | Bhoomika P |
5B | Harrison R | Cooper W |
5M | Alek A | Apajok G |
6B | Hawa M Olivia H |
Jaxon R |
6M | Holly C | Mark G |
Performing Arts | Emilio C (4B) | Jigme C (6B) |
Give kids a thumbs up for the right things
Children of all ages enjoy parental recognition. They like when their parents make a fuss over their behaviour or highlight something they’ve done well.
Sometimes parents will reward their children’s behaviour with a treat, money or a gift. This is okay in small doses, but parental recognition alone is a high enough driver of children’s behaviour most of the time.
First borns, in particular, love approval. Youngest children just love that you have noticed them! Second borns can sometimes do things in spite of their parents, but deep down they love the recognition too, even if they don’t let on that they do.
The behaviour you focus on expands
If you want your kids to be neater then focus on their neat behaviours. “You’ve tidied your toys up before dinner. Top job!” You don’t have to throw a party, just let them know that you noticed and you approve of their tidiness. You may also let them know how it affects you. “You’ve tidied your toys up before dinner. It makes my job easier.” The behaviours that you notice and comment on will expand.
Noticing kids’ tidiness once won’t suddenly turn messy kids into exceptionally neat ones, but do it often enough and you’ll start to get some turn around.
You can give kids a thumbs up for all sorts of behaviours. Here’s some examples.
Being co-operative
Stubborn kids need a pat on the head when they respond on your terms not theirs.
Being brave
Nervous and anxious kids need to have their bravery pointed out to them. It’s reassuring and empowering.
Being helpful
Want helpful kids? Then you need to notice helpful behaviours.
Being tolerant
Sometimes older siblings need to be very tolerant of younger siblings. Tolerance is a very giving behaviour and should be promoted.
Being patient
Something to encourage in boys, in particular. It’s often not their strong point.
Being persistent
Let kids know when ‘hanging in there’ pays off. The link between persistence and success is massive but persistence needs to be promoted. It’s also the one factor of temperament that can be affected by parenting.
Being friendly
If your child struggles in social situations then recognise pro-social behaviours such as sharing, initiating contact with another child or taking an interest in another person.
Don’t wait until you get perfect behaviour to give recognition, particularly for very young children. Kids have L-plates when it comes to behaving (co-operatively, bravely, patiently) so their attempts and close approximations need to be verified by the significant adults in their lives – their parents.
Recognising kids’ positive behaviours is easy to do, but it’s also easy not to do. We often get tied up with other things and forget to show appreciation and nurture the behaviours our kids need to develop. It’s important to be aware of this. It’s the little things such as giving positive recognition that have the biggest impact on kids’ development.
Michael Grose
Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s an award-winning speaker and the author of 12 books for parents including Spoonfed Generation, and the bestselling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It. Michael is a former teacher with 15 years experience, and has 30 years experience in parenting education. He also holds a Master of Educational Studies from Monash University specialising in parenting education.